Rabu, 28 November 2012

Jessica Ufo Fans Reply


[FAN] good morning, sic woods!!
[JESSICA] goodnight ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[FAN] i want to see your version of '1+1 is cutie'!ㅋㅋ can't you show me/us it?
[JESSICA] no. what do I do…… whew….. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[FAN] there's one week left until our sica's first (musical) performance!! even I'm really really nervousㅠㅠ hwaiting!!!!
[JESSICA] me, too………..

[FAN] i don't think i'm the only one who wants to see sica's (1+1 is) cutie ㅠㅜ
[JESSICA] aigo, i'm shy/embarrassed

[FAN] hehe~ I'm going to sed sic woods soon~ are you jealous~? you're jealous right~? +_+
[JESSICA] but, oh no/what to do, I'm sic woods. merong

[FAN] woods! woods! woods! I came here after seeing sic unnie's post on the official siteㅋㅋ sic woods, hwaiting^^! aja~
[JESSICA] thanks~~~~~~~

[FAN] what is our sica noona doing right now??….
[JESSICA] i'm in singapore right now~~ I'm about to sleep with soojung (krystal) now, goodnight!

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